Team Wheel

Dirty Data? Clean It Up: How to Engage Employees in HR Data Hygiene

Dirty Data?

Clean It Up: How to Engage Employees in HR Data Hygiene  


At Team Wheel we believe that HR data is the foundation of any organisation.  

It is crucial for companies to keep HR data clean, up-to-date, and accurate to ensure they are making informed decisions, complying with regulations, and providing the best possible employee experience. However, this is often easier said than done. Engaging employees to keep their HR data clean can be a challenging task, especially in large organisations. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips on how to engage employees to keep their HR data clean and how companies can support this. 


Why is clean HR data important?  

Before we dive into the tips, let’s take a moment to understand why clean HR data is important. There are several reasons why companies should keep their HR data clean, including: 


  • Compliance: Many HR processes and decisions, such as payroll, benefits, and performance evaluations, require accurate employee data. Failure to comply with regulatory requirements can result in costly fines and legal actions. 


  • Decision-making: HR data is essential for making informed decisions about workforce planning, talent management, and other HR functions. Inaccurate data can lead to poor decision-making, which can have long-term consequences. 


  • Employee experience: Clean HR data is critical for providing a positive employee experience. Employees want to be recognized for their achievements, receive timely feedback, and have access to the right training and development opportunities. This is only possible if their data is accurate and up-to-date. 


Team Wheel believes there is a perfect match for businesses with HR Tech and Solutions and whilst this is a bespoke process we can share a range of insights and tips that can help you to ensure your business can perform with maximum efficiency and whilst we won’t give away all our secrets (you should get in touch with us though to find out more…) Here are some of our most immediate and impactful tricks.  


Communicate the importance of clean HR data 

Your team is the most influential source you have when it comes to having accurate data and the first step in engaging employees to keep their HR data clean is to communicate the importance! Many employees may not be aware of the impact their data has on HR processes and decisions. Therefore, it’s essential to educate them about the consequences of inaccurate data. You can do this by sending regular communications to employees, such as emails, newsletters, and posters, explaining why clean HR data is important. They can also use real-life examples to illustrate the impact of inaccurate data on HR processes and decisions. Make sure your Senior Leadership Team are the cheerleaders and are regularly communicating it to their teams as well as company wide comms!  


Make it easy for employees to update their data 

One of the main reasons employees do not keep their HR data clean is that it’s often a tedious and time-consuming process. Companies can make it easy for employees to update their data by providing user-friendly HR portals or apps. These portals or apps should allow employees to update their personal information, such as their address, contact details, emergency contact, and bank details, in a few clicks. The process should be straightforward and easy to complete, even for employees who are not tech-savvy. 


Provide regular training and support 

HR data is constantly changing, and employees may not be aware of the latest HR policies, procedures, and regulations. Everyone plays a part in data cleansing and updating and you should support employees by providing regular training and support. 


HR teams specifically can conduct regular training sessions or webinars on HR policies, procedures, and regulations. These sessions can cover topics such as data privacy, GDPR, and data security. They can also provide FAQs or help guides to answer common questions and provide support to employees who need assistance with updating their data. 


Reward employees for clean HR data 

Rewarding employees for keeping their HR data clean is an effective way to encourage them to update their information regularly. Companies can introduce incentives, such as gift cards, extra days off, or recognition programs, for employees who keep their data accurate and up-to-date. 


This approach not only motivates employees to update their data but also creates a culture of data accuracy and accountability. It also shows employees that their efforts are recognized and valued by the company. 


Use automation and AI tools  

Manual data entry is time-consuming and prone to errors. Companies can leverage automation and AI tools to help keep their HR data clean. For example, they can use software to automatically update employee information from other systems, such as payroll or benefits platforms. This reduces the need for manual data entry and minimises the risk of errors. 


AI tools can also be used to identify and correct errors in HR data. For example, machine learning algorithms can analyse HR data to identify inconsistencies or errors, and then suggest corrections. This approach not only saves time but also improves data accuracy. 


Provide ongoing feedback 

At Team Wheel we strongly advocate talking to your employees about their HR data to ensure they understand the importance of keeping their data clean. HR teams can use data quality metrics, such as completeness, accuracy, and consistency, to measure the quality of employee data. They can then provide feedback to employees on their data quality and suggest improvements. 


This approach not only helps employees understand the importance of clean data but also gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility for their data. It also enables HR teams to identify areas where employees may need additional support or training. 


Use data governance frameworks 

Data governance frameworks provide a structured approach to managing data quality, data privacy, and data security. Companies can use these frameworks to establish clear roles and responsibilities for HR data management and to ensure that data is accurate and up-to-date. 


Monitor data quality metrics 

Monitoring data quality metrics, such as completeness, accuracy, and consistency, helps companies identify areas where data may be inaccurate or incomplete. Companies can use this information to target their efforts in areas where data quality is low and provide additional support or training to employees. 


Lead by example 

Finally, it’s essential for all senior staff to lead by example when it comes to clean HR data. They should ensure that their own HR data is accurate and up-to-date and demonstrate the importance of clean data to employees. This creates a culture of data accuracy and accountability throughout the organisation. 


As we are sure, following reading this, you can tell we are passionate about keeping HR data clean and how it is critical for any organisation. It ensures compliance, supports informed decision-making, and provides a positive employee experience. Engaging employees to keep their HR data clean can be challenging, but by communicating the importance of clean data, providing user-friendly HR portals, offering training and support, rewarding employees for clean data, using automation and AI tools, providing ongoing feedback, leading by example, and supporting clean HR data, companies can ensure that their HR data is accurate, up-to-date, and consistent. 


If you would like to talk further about any (or all!) of the tips and tricks mentioned in this blog, do get in touch with us at Team Wheel.